What is The GetUp Blog?

The GetUp Blog is a place where I share a carefully curated selection of stories and outfits from my life that make me appear cool and interesting. I’m hoping it will one day be as popular as the Beanie Baby website I created in 1998.



I know. A lifestyle blog is the internet equivalent of a one-person show. It is awkward, egocentric, and in the end only your mom really enjoys it.  I should know. I once did a one-person show. And now I have this blog. I’m kind of everything that’s wrong with my generation. Hi mom. 


What’s your deal?

I’m Kristin. I live in Los Angeles with my husband and my dog. I have a real, grown-up-person job that I enjoy. I love beer. Marionettes creep me out.  I have no patience for wet nail polish.





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